January Blues – How to beat the Winter Blues

The temperatures have plummeted, the skies seem even greyer, whereas your mood may be kind of… blue. Depression is more than just feeling sad; it's a persistent low mood that can significantly impact daily life. In England, mental health concerns are prevalent, with recent data highlighting the importance of addressing these issues. As of April 2024, approximately 1.91 million people were in contact with mental health services in England, underscoring the widespread nature of mental health challenges (NHS Digital).
Are you experiencing any of those all-too-common January blues yet? Perhaps, you have come out the other side of Christmas with very little energy — feeling sluggish, nostalgic, and a bit low? If the winter season, and January in particular, feels like a bit of a struggle to get through, then fear not.
We have put together some wonderful, easy, and clever tips on how to beat the winter blues — now, and for good! Keep reading for ways on how to beat the winter blues and fill this month with uplifted spirt back into your January and transform those winter blues into winter bliss.
What do we mean by the “winter blues”?
Generally speaking, the expression “winter blues” refers to feelings of sadness, nostalgia, or sometimes even depression that affect many people during the colder months of the year. The decrease of sunlight and the chillier temperatures are often considered to be strong triggers.
Similarly, winter is also the season when nature is taking a bit of a breath, allowing itself the time and space to re-organise and regenerate in preparation for spring — the time when everything blooms and starts afresh.
Whatever the underlying reason for your winter blues, it’s important to know that you don’t need to passively surrender to it: you can, and should, take some easy yet important steps towards beating the January blues.
How to beat the Winter Blues
Let’s get straight into how you can banish those winter blues this year and in the winters to follow; here are some of our favourite recommendations.
1. Wrap up nice and warm
As obvious as it might sound, the simplest things are often the most effective.
One of our best tips on how to survive the January blues would be to keep yourself as warm as possible. This means wearing cosy, comfy, and warm clothes, treating yourself to a bubble bath, sipping on a hot cuppa, and cuddling up on the sofa with your best blanket or even with your hot water bottle. Also, ensure that you wear your warmest socks, as warming your feet before going to bed gives your brain a signal that it’s bedtime and helps you feel more grounded and relaxed.
Feeling the winter… bliss already? We kind of do!
2. Fuel your body…
Another great way to beat that winter slump is by filling your plate — and your glass — with the right foods to fuel and nourish your body.
Now that the festive period has come to an end ensure that you are incorporating plenty of antioxidant-rich greens, skin-loving super-seeds, gut-friendly oats, and sustainable plant-based proteins to help your body feel better from the inside out.

During this season it is important for your body, to increase warming foods soups, stews, porridges, fresh ginger, cumin, rosemary, thyme, sage, black pepper, cinnamon to increase circulation and digestion.
Try to also reduce your caffeine and alcohol consumption and, of course, drink as much water as you can (ideally room temperature) —you could also add a few drops of Beat the Blues Drops of Gold to help support your mind, reconnect with joy and inner balance.
On the journey to thriving this month, make sure to take good care of both your body and mind!
There are lots of great ways to do so, from meditation and mindfulness all the way to yoga and mindfulness. Be present, optimistic, and practice gratitude for positive vibrations to fill your life.
3. Make “me time” a habit — and a priority!
It’s time to become a little bit self-centred! We aren’t suggesting you do anything selfish, but that you take some time just for yourself every single day.
What you do with that time is entirely up to you. You could dedicate yourself to a creative activity, listen to music, read a book, or even just rest on the sofa with your eyes closed as your favourite essential oils flavour the air.
Moreover exercise, saunas and oil massages help balance excessive cold!
4. Enjoy the great outdoors
Exercising is another fantastic way to release those all-important endorphins and give your mood a boost.

Working up a sweat in nature is even better. By doing so, you will combine the stress-relieving power of fitness with the relaxing effects of the great outdoors. Start by going for regular morning walks to your nearest park and, if you like, try something more structured like an outdoor fitness class.
5. Sleep sweet dreams
Sleep is the best medicine and form of meditation. Sleeping better can help you achieve the positive mindset required to beat the winter blues, as well as reinforce your immune system and your body’s natural healing processes.
Try to establish a healthy and realistic sleep routine and stick with it. Aim to have a regular bedtime, switch off all electronics, set your room to the optimal temperature, and sleep on a comfortable, supportive mattress.
After a good night’s sleep, everything will look so much brighter — dull January skies included!
Advocate for your body and mind all year round.
When times get tough during winter, remember that brighter skies and longer days are just around the corner. Never a morning person, no matter the time of year? Don’t miss our current Beat the Blues promotion! With every purchase you receive a FREE Beat the Blues Eau De Parfum which is bound to uplift your mood! Shop now
Take a read of our blog, ‘Beat the Blues Ritual: start your morning with the right mood in 5 simple steps‘ to put good habits in place now to carry through the months ahead.